30px Canada** - Willster22 ( User talk:Willster22) 21:10, Octo(UTC). United States of America - " This is not your grave but you are welcome in it." 23:10, Octo(UTC). Australia** - Daeseunglim ( talk) 22:31, Octo(UTC). Hong Kong - This is UglyTurtle, Signing off. British Raj - Crim de la Crème 17:20, Octo(UTC). China - RexImperio ( talk) 14:59, Octo(UTC). Afghanistan - "SO SAYETH THE EAGLE" - Fascist Eagle ಠ_ಠ ( talk) 00:57, Octo(UTC). Persia - PitaKang- (Talk to me | Kill count: 6). Sultanate of Riyadh - I am on the edge. Ottoman Empire - Jd2842 ( talk) 16:26, Octo(UTC). Bulgaria - Alexander of Volzhsky Talk 01:41, Novem(UTC). Serbia - IrishPatriot ( talk) 14:17, Octo(UTC). Greece - NicDonalds, Beginning Editor Talk. Switzerland - Fritzmet ( talk) 15:55, Novem(UTC). Norway - Tr0llis ( talk) 17:41, Novem(UTC). Denmark - Mscoree ( talk) 18:15, Octo(UTC). Russian Empire - Eric von Schweetz T C IM]. Austria-Hungary - Gib clay, remove Kebab. Netherlands - Rdv65 ( talk) 14:43, Octo(UTC). Belgium - ~TechnicallyIAmSean(I'm having trouble signing). Italy - Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" ( talk) 00:55, Octo(UTC). Portugal - Cookiedamage ( talk) 17:08, Octo(UTC). Bavaria Callumthered ( talk) 05:41, Octo(UTC). Germany - Callumthered ( talk) 06:38, Novem(UTC). France - With Blood and Iron ( talk) 00:48, Octo(UTC). Great Britain - SCRAWLAND INVICTUS || REX IMPERATOR. Please sign your name next to the nation you want to play as. #THE ENTENTE GAME MODS#
Once an algorithm is made, only mods may edit algorithms. #THE ENTENTE GAME MOD#
If your turn has been redacted in any way, you may consult the mod that redacted it for re-editing purposes.We can now determine, on a scale from one-to-ten, how powerful nations can be and how many milestones they can be limited to. Because of disputes and arguments over how powerful and influential a country in this game can really be, a Power and Influence Algorithm has been created.Mod events must be done by mods and be proposed on the talk page.Mods must state their reason as to why they strike something out, even if it is painfully obvious.
If the mod has no more reasons to reject the proposal, then the unification can occur. If you wish to unify with a nation, you must introduce negotiations with a mod over the issue.If you would like to apply for a special exception, post it on the talk page. To prevent the same thing happening last time, players will have to choose a different nation.Random Number Generators must be done by an unbiased mod.A random assassination will occur sometime from 1912-1915, providing the "spark" for World War One.The United States can not currently have any alliances until World War One begins.Players can not edit their turns once they post them, unless directed by a mod.
British Dominions can not declare complete independence or war on Britain without due cause. Any European or Asian nations seeking to establish colonies in the Americas will have to fight the United States, as per the Monroe Doctrine. Mods have the right to cross out implausible moves. With regards to implausibility, use your head. This can be updated to two if the game progresses fast enough. There will be an algorithm for Player vs. Players can control one and ONLY one nation only. The word of the Mods is law, unless you can prove that they are conclusively wrong.